ANDY JENKINS | Executive Director
Andy joined the team in 2018 and began serving as the director of the Crosswinds Center of Hope effort, overseeing training and resource development.
He also produces the Centers of Hope podcast, sharing warriors’ stories and offering hope-filled teaching about PTSD and Moral Injury.
He feels his part of his mission is to help people find & fulfill their purpose. And that often entails overcoming the pains of the past that keep us trapped from walking in our potential.

Andy is is coauthor of Warrior Hope (a ten-week curriculum to help warriors who are struggling with PTSD and/or Moral Injury), Hope for the Warrior Family and Disentangled (all published by Crosswinds Foundation).
He’s also the featured trainer on the Warrior Hope video curriculum and our online warrior resources.
Andy has been speaking and writing for almost two decades, empowering people to live healthy in every area of their life— physically, emotionally, and spiritually— so they can reach their full potential and live their true destiny.
In addition to the Warrior Hope series of books, Andy has written 20+ books, including Redemption, Soul Wholeness, LifeLift, and Advance.
And, he’s created companion online courses and workshops for the majority of his books.
He served as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army, has served on staff at multiple churches, and has worked at several nonprofits helping men, women, and families coming off the streets, away from addictions, the prison system, and human trafficking.