In 1995 Ieremia and Nelu, two leaders from different regions in Romania (Ieremia lives in the East and Nelu lives in the West), from two different denominiations (Brethren and Pentecostal, respectively), traveled to the United States to take participate in an intensive training program concerning new religious movements and cult apologetics.
The training was led by Bob Waldrep, in Birmingham, Alabama.
Not only was an unexpected and long-lasting partnership with Bob forged, but the two men also became lifelong friends.
Together, they established and became co-leaders of Crosswinds Romania, which quickly included other parts of Europe.

The two leaders are alike in many ways, and create a strategic alliance for Crosswinds.
Ieremia is the president of a seminary, and Nelu is the president of a Bible college.
Both men pastor churches.
Both Ieremia and Nelu travel extensively throughout Europe and have gone as far east as India to invest in other pastors and help equip them to lead.
Both are in high demand as conference speakers and leaders.
Both are respected leaders in their church denominations. Nelu was elected as the president of his denomination in 2023.
With so much to do, one might wonder why they would also want to be associated with the work of the Crosswinds Foundation… in Birmingham, Alabama.
Nelu answers that question this way: “I want to be part of the Crosswinds Foundation because here in Romania we are facing a lot of challenges coming from the modern culture against the Christian Faith…” He continues,
“We need to find the right answers for the people we minister to.”
And, “Crosswinds will help us to answer those questions and be a resource for those we are trying to reach.”