Crosswinds Foundation for Faith & Culture was created to assist people engage in meaningful and positive dialogues about the issues that matter most.
Crosswinds was founded in early 2008 by our president, Bob Waldrep, and a group of cultural visionaries who sought to create a resource center for individuals and organizations impacted by emerging cultural trends.

Early on, the leadership team recognized the potential of film to share ideas.
Decades ago, most of the cultural conversations occurred on in people’s home, from porch to porch. Today, film is a primary “front porch” where conversations take place.
Crosswinds developed Front Porch Media in 2010 to better utilize film as a means of sharing ideas and creating conversations.
The first conversation identified… and you can’t sell it.
The first full-length documentary, Invisible Scars, focused on helping military personnel who were suffering mental and emotional trauma such as PTSD as a result of their deployment, combat experience, or separation from family members who had been deployed.
Notably, this was long before the term PTSD was widely used and discussed in everyday life.
Rather than selling the film to fund future projects, the board recognized they needed to give the resource away and serve as many people as possible.

Conversations lead to relationships… and those leads to more opportunities.
During the first film, the team learned of a second “invisible scar,” Moral Injury, which was receiving very little attention and is often misdiagnosed as PTSD. Whereas PTSD is a response to external threats, Moral Injury focuses on internal threats— guilt and shame.
The team addresses Moral Injury in our second documentary, and— as a result of the relationships which resulted— began developing training resources to empower veterans (and their families) to overcome the hurts of invisible scars.
Films created the conversations (like a front porch), which gave rise to the need for the curriculum.
Still growing, and walking through the open doors.
Centers of Hope, the Freedom Tour, the Warrior Hope podcast, and the resources to assist families to overcome hurts related to military service and are the result of a Crosswinds’ Invisible Scars and Honoring the Code film projects.
Our most recent documentary, Trauma Comes Home, is the third in our trilogy and addresses the family specifically, for the trauma of the warrior becomes the trauma of the family.
Board of Directors

Richard Hutto, Chairman
Retired, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Alabama Power, member Northpark Baptist Church
Del Allen, Treasurer
Retired, Stewart-Perry Construction Company, member First Baptist Trusville

Ralph Dewberry
Owner, Printswell Inc., member of Church at Brook Hills

Wes Overton
Senior Chief Boatswains Mate, U.S. Coast Guard + Partner at Telecom Audit Group, member of Grace Community Church

Linwood Bragan
Member of Double Oak Community Church

Bob Waldrep, President
President and Founder, Crosswinds Foundation for Faith & Culture
Advisory Board

Alonza Jones

Terre Currey

Mike Barnett

Tommy DeRamus

Sterling Edwards

Frank Alfano

Charlie Waldrep

Dr. Phil Walton

Tim Faulk